IMPORTANT FIDDLER'S CREEK PHONE NUMBERS: Activities Office & Dining Reservations: (239) 732-3000 Membership Office & Member Billing: (239) 732-3081 Fitness Center, Tennis, & Spa Appointments: (239) 732-3040 The Golf Club: (239) 732-3030 Safety - Community Service Road Patrol: (239) 919-3705 or [email protected]
Note that this phone number (239) 919-3705 rings into an automated system.
Leave a detailed message, including your contact information.
The Safety team will respond ASAP.
TO CLEAR GUESTS FOR ENTRY AT THE GATE: Use the Club Essentials mobile app or call (239) 529-4139
Follow the prompts to leave the name of your guests and their arrival date
Tell your guests to enter 8250 Fiddler's Creek Parkway, Naples FL into their navigation system to make sure they arrive at the main gate. Otherwise, they may be sent to the unmanned Championship gate.
Vendors must use the Route 41 Construction entrance.
To download the mobile app, log in to the Fiddler's Creek website through your account.
Call (239) 919-3705 and leave a detailed message or email[email protected] for the following:
Noise issues.
Using pools after hours.
Garage doors routinely left open.
Cars parked on the street overnight.
Wildlife perceived to be a threat. Cane/Bufo Toad concerns.
Suspicious persons and suspicious vehicles.
Traffic issues.
People tagging behind residents to get in the gates.
Disruptive residents and visitors violating any Fiddler's Creek or village rules and regulations.
Irrigation malfunctions.
Landscaping issues around your unit.
Alarms that are going off.
Utility hook-up issues when moving in.
Issues related to the management of the association.
To request maintenance repairs.
To report rule violations.
Street damage.
In an emergency, please contact the Fiddler's Creek Safety team at [email protected]
Call our mail carrier, Yoana Cutino, at 239-601-0387
Call Fiddler's Creek CDD 1 District Management (Chuck Adams at (239) 498-9020 or [email protected]) for the following:
Sidewalk cracks and other damage that need repair or create a safety hazard.
Landscaping issues in common areas like turnarounds and fountains, or on main roads.
Fountains not operating or malfunctioning.
Streetlight outages or damage. Tags have been placed on every streetlight. Please provide the streetlight tag number when you call.
Road spills. If you saw the vehicle that caused the spill, please make a note of any identifying information of the vehicle and the date and time you observed the spill. Please also send this information to the Safety Department [email protected].